

さ く ら  さ く ら

Sakura, sakura

や よ い の 空 は

On Meadow-hills and mountains

見 わ た す 限 り

As far as you can see.

か す み か 雲 か

Is it a mist, or clouds?

匂 い ぞ 出 ず る

Fragrant in the air.

い ざ や  い ざ や

Come now, come,

見 に ゆ か ん

Let’s look, at last!

English translation quoted from Wikipedia


  1. The highly stylized geisha ....
    A symbol of women's power, not of physical beauty, but rather of the mind.

  2. I was told her name was Kimichie by an American viewer of this photo who seemed to love this Geisha culture sooooo much! That's really impressed me!!

    I'd never seen Geisha dance for real before this.
    Yes, I felt so much power from her and it was incredible beautiful.

