


This is Momo, my grad parents' dog, the name means a peach in Japanese.
Since where they live is famous for peaches they name their dog Momo whenever they get a new
one. Although I don't remember how many Momos have exactly been there, we always love each
one of them.

This Momo came from my grandpa's sister's home several years ago. She used to look like a
coyote but isn't as brave as it at all. She barks when she sees people only who she knows.

After taking this shot, she started barking unusually loudly. I thought I made her mad or something, but she didn't bark at me. My sister and I who were there at that time had no idea
about that, but five minutes later, my grandpa's sister showed up.
Then we knew that she always gets crazily excited when her former owner comes to see her.
Just impressed how dogs well remember everything and have a keen scent.

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