
Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon, originally uploaded by e-r-i-s.

I just want to be back to where we were all together.

It was the happiest time in my life.



BluEbluE, originally uploaded by e-r-i-s.


to da hell

to da hell, originally uploaded by e-r-i-s.


H.E.L.P, originally uploaded by e-r-i-s.


Aim, originally uploaded by e-r-i-s.

the yellow path

the yellow path, originally uploaded by e-r-i-s.

I've been reading a novel, Remember me? by Sohie Kinsella, and exciting not only because the story is enjoyable, also of the fact I'm covering a whole English-written novel by myself. Actually the latter thing really hits me...since this is my first time to read out a foreign language book without dictionaries. I'm holding the book every time, reading it everywhere, which makes me feel like I'm in somewhere a little bit far from this Japan.
Maybe I shouldn't mention about the story. What I've learned so far is we can not value anything with its appearance or imaginable benefit...I don't know if these words make any sense. You sometime or always think and dream about being better, much richer, in ten times successful life than this. Then, what if you get all of them in one night? Maybe you realize what you wanted before was just a dream...it had to be just a dream, shouldn't be real. Oh, I haven't got the ending of this book yet, so this is not what it's all about, I don't know. But the thing is; It is not a result what we are made from, only process creates us.

Yes, outcomes are not a part of my body.

I wrote this just 30 seconds before I fell asleep. I don't know where I was going.


four buds

fb, originally uploaded by e-r-i-s.



working on

working on, originally uploaded by e-r-i-s.

"This is gonna be my last big summer lunch."


dream in green

dng, originally uploaded by e-r-i-s.

Today's my off on Saturday, which is very rare for me.

I grabbed a beer and hang out by myself with my camera in the yard.

What a pleasant day.

...Am I a fifty years old man?


wanna see ya smilin'

wsys, originally uploaded by e-r-i-s.

I always thought that would be a great idea to start SLR camera
when I have a baby.
I sure will be crazy about both of them.


summer ends...

es, originally uploaded by e-r-i-s.

My friend Nao's foot were crying

because the summer is ending

just as always